Can amoxicillin work like flagyl

Work Like a Dog allows anyone to make a branded web presence using personal content from around the Internet. Can you mix amoxicilin with alcohol?. : Page Flagged
DD had been on this for an ear infection for 3 dayssince it has started, she has had very smelly diarrhea like 3 times a day.. yes she drinks some water but this

Can you drink alcohol while taking.
29.12.2006 · Best Answer: The time to peak activity of amoxicillin is two hours and it is primarily metabolized by the liver. Alcohol is not absolutely contraindicated
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01.09.2007 · Best Answer: I found lots of answers that suggest it really won't hurt anything. It seems that it just reduces the effects of the amoxicillin. Here is a
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Can amoxicillin work like flagyl
Can you mix amoxicilin with alcohol?.Can amoxicillin cause diarrhea??.
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Can you drink alcohol while taking amoxicillin? i read the label and it didnt say 'not too' It'd be very nice if people would avoid spreading urban legends and old
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